What People Say
June 22, 2016
Thanks to a very special donation that was received from a European friend of G.I.O.H. the furniture in our dormitories were renovated for newer, more modern ones that will suite the needs of our girls. After much search, the company “IKEA” was chosen. There, new furniture was purchased including beds and closets in light colored tones.
June 22, 2016
Dear Ramat HaChinuch School at GIOH, In the name of the staff and residents of the Women’s Daycare “Beit David” we would like to thank you from the depth of our hearts for the lovely performance that your girls put on for our residents in honor of Rosh Chodesh Adar. Your very important work gives much enjoyment and happiness to our residents.We appreciate your continuous involvement with us. Yaffa Bukovza Director of Staff ot Machon Beit David
June 22, 2016
Dear Rabbi Weingarten, Congratulations on the wonderful job you are doing at your Home for Girls. We are happy to send the enclosed check again. Sincerely, Adelle Fagelman Chestnut Hill MA
June 22, 2016
Dear Rabbi Weingarten, Many thanks for the update on GIOH. We hope you are all keeping well and enclosed is our donation for the chagim. May we wish you all a Chag Sameach in your wonderful work and the loving care you show the most dear girls. Much hatzlacha and kol tuv. Ida Koschland Lakewood N.J.
June 22, 2016
To Rabbi F. Weingarten and all my friends at the Home, It is always a pleasure to get your news as well as your blessings. May your good work continue for many years to come with great success. I enclose a cheque with every good wish for a happy and peaceful holiday. Eta Wright Cannon Hill London U.K.
June 22, 2016
It is my pleasure to make this donation in honor of my father, Don Gray, for father’s day. I am reminded how fortunate I am to be blessed to have a father who has always been there for me. He is truly a family man and he loves his grandchildren dearly. There is nothing he won’t do for his family and we frequently say he’s got “the zayda magic”. Don is also a charitable and giving man, so I know this donation would make him proud. The girls’ orphanage is a charity I give to whenever the opportunity allows and I’m proud to be a third generation contributor. My sister-in-law, Donna, has also donated with me. Our money could not be spent on a more appropriate gift. Go in peace and G-d bless. Debi Gray Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania
June 22, 2016
I have been thinking a lot about you lately. I can’t believe that it has been 44 years that we have been involved with the orphanage. I hope, dear G-d, I can keep sending money for many more years. Hope you and the children have a healthy and happy holiday, Shalom, Miriam Kahn Milwaukee, Wisconsin
April 6, 2016
This letter is to donate in memory of Bertha Cohen, who passed away January 10, 2010 at the age of 94. Bertha was a woman who always thought of others and wanted to help any way she could, that possibly through her support and donations, someone’s life could be changed. The girl’s home was near and dear to her and she gave from the heart. I wanted to honor Bertha by donating in her memory. May Bertha rest in peace and G-d bless you. Sincerely, Maureen Wilson Cooper City, Fl.
April 6, 2016
Dear Directors, I am the Matriarch of a family of children and grandchildren. I am independent but have not forgotten even for a moment where I grew up. For years I kept quiet and did not reveal to anyone where I grew up. Yet now I speak about this with my children and grandchildren. I want them to know about my past history and this is no longer a secret. May your hard work be blessed and your endeavors be successful. Sincerely, Margalit Algrisi (Moshe) Kiryat Motzkin