What's New at GIOH
July 14, 2016
The idea of children, homeless, scared, and hungry, is almost too much for most of us to bear. Troubled children seem, quite frankly, like one of the starkest reminders of our potential failings as a planet. That someone might be left to fend for themselves with no education and little ability to pull themselves out of the situation on their own is enough to make your heart sink. Orphans in Israel and indeed orphans everywhere are not in the best position to succeed. Many that remain outside of the system of orphanages and outside assistance are in some ways doomed to lives filled with crime or simply a dangerous lifestyle with a desperately short shelf life. Luckily there are institutions like the Jewish orphanage General Israel Orphan Home For Girls to pick up some of these potentially sad stories and try and make a difference. The results can be nothing short of miraculous, keeping children on a path towards accomplishment and normalcy that is so important at an early age. It is with this in mind that the GIOH looks for donations from sympathetic parties. With the help of those donations the orphanage can pay dedicated people to do the […]
July 14, 2016
Thinking of orphans can sometimes trigger a feeling of intense sympathy that we cannot overcome. We think how sad it is that these Jewish orphans have no homes and no one to care for them. This however is not the end of the story. Many orphans in Israel come to GIOH because they don’t have anywhere else to go. However, this orphanage is not simply a home, a place to stay until they are old enough to go out on their own, it is a place to grow and learn. Thankfully, with donations from people like you, GIOH can run several programs to help these children as they grow. Some of the programs run at this orphanage include a daycare center for those children aged three to six, a complete and well-rounded education from elementary school to high school in vocational classes and the arts, and extended day care facilities that tend not only to the educational needs of the children but to their medical and financial needs as well. The program doesn’t end with orphans in Israel but extends to those children recently immigrated from other, less privileged countries. GIOH helps them to adjust to their new surroundings using […]
July 14, 2016
“Greatness from small beginnings” was the motto of Sir Francis Drake the famous navigator and sailor. This small phrase is very powerful. It means that anyone can become great no matter where they started out. It gives a sense of hope to those who read it and contemplate it’s message. Small beginnings indeed. GIOH was founded over 100 years ago by Rabbi David Weingarten. He saw a small girl, a poor Jewish orphan, who had just lost both of her parents and had nowhere to go. He took her in and took responsibility for the girl. Soon more Israel orphans needed care and Rabbi Weingarten needed more room. Steadily this Jewish orphanage grew to the great organization it is today. Not only did the orphanage achieve greatness from its small, humble beginnings but the children that take refuge here can do the same. You can expect that the children who receive such wonderful attention and care here can go out into the world with their heads held high and accomplish great things. Their education, health, and financial well being is taken care of here so they can concentrate on becoming the wonderful, accomplished people they were meant to be. Greatness […]
July 14, 2016
Think of how awful it feels to be caught in a sudden and fierce downpour. Wet, cold, and miserable is no way to spend the day. How would you feel if you had no other choice? What if there was nowhere else for you to go and the only shelter you had was in the shadow of buildings or under a makeshift lean-to that still made you cold, wet, and miserable? That’s how many orphans in Israel feel. Thankfully, there is a place where Jewish orphans can go to have shelter and get care. GIOH is a place where children can go to get the love, attention, and shelter from the elements that all children should have. No one should be left out in the cold. The wonderful GIOH organization is here to help accommodate these children and give them a chance at a better, warmer, more comfortable life than they could get anywhere on the streets. Consider donating to this worthwhile cause and keep children out of the cold, wet weather and into a home where they can flourish. The price of buying an umbrella could help save a young orphan from the dreary life they might live on […]
July 14, 2016
Orphans in Israel are very lucky to have an organization like GIOH to help them through their childhoods. They not only give these orphans a chance at an education and a warm, caring environment to stay and grow up, they also provide health care for these children as well. Jewish orphanages offer the best healthcare they can to their children as if they were their own. If they fall ill they are taken care of by the best doctors. Their cuts, scrapes, broken bones, and illnesses are addressed by medical professionals. They even provide dental care and orthodontic assistance to those children who need it. It’s always easier growing up and becoming a productive member of society if you are well and have the best tools to go out and tackle the world. A winning smile, a healthy body, and a sound mind are all great tools to have in your back pocket as you head out into the world. All of these are easily achievable if you have the right care as a child. GIOH is an Israeli orphanage that offers these services and more to the children they look after. This is made possible by the generosity of […]
July 14, 2016
The idea of an orphanage is one of hope. It’s about giving children the kind of environment that they truly need to grow up in, giving them a family life environment and the chance to live a normal life. They need to know that they can grow up to be anything they set out to be and have support backing them. A Jewish orphanage really is a beacon of positivity, especially in a world where sometimes we lack that. Often we just hear negative things that occur in the world and it’s a shame that we don’t focus more on the good. But when we do, when we talk about how a person can help a child be raised right, how a donation can mean more beds, better food, even a whole new classroom, it gets people motivated. It makes people want to join the cause. That’s the kind of work GIOH does and that’s why we love to talk about it. We want to get the word out there that caring for these kids isn’t just important, it’s our livelyhood. It’s what we are here to do. And donating to a Jewish orphanage may be the best decision you […]
July 14, 2016
It’s a shame when children aren’t taken care of at home as they should be, or don’t have the sort of family to turn to that many lucky people have growing up. And it’s even more of a shame when those kids don’t have a place to go. Unfortunately, there is more of a need for orphanages than many think and it is important that the ones that do exist are doing the kind of job that is expected. General Israel Orphans Home is the kind of Jewish orphanage that has a lot of heart. Because running a Jewish orphanage isn’t just about giving kids a place to stay; it’s about understanding they need a good education, a loving environment and the encouragement to succeed. That’s what every orphanage needs, a bit of hear to keep it going. People who care, who love to be there to provide a better upbringing for kids who need it. And that is why supporting causes like this are so important. Because although their heart is big, an orphanage cannot continue to run on that alone. You can easily make a donation to the General Israel Orphans home that will help current and future […]
July 14, 2016
The wonderful thing about an orphanage is that it serves as a great home for Jewish orphans. They can be brought up and raised to be beautiful young women, ready to take on the world and change it in whatever way they are supposed to. But Jewish orphans always have the hope of a new home, if someone should choose to adopt and take care of them as their own daughter. It is a beautiful thing when a family can welcome a new member like that. And that is the beauty of a great orphanage. It’s that no matter what happens, whether girls leave or stay, they will be sure to get a great upbringing. Everyone has something to give to the world, if they can reach their full potential. And the General Israel Orphans Home is keen on seeing through every girl that comes through their doors to their full potential. So whether they find a new home or are always at home within the orphanage, they’ll become what they are meant to be. G-d really does have a plan for everyone and even those who may not have had the most ideal start to their lives can have […]
July 14, 2016
We know what orphanages are and in some cases people don’t want to talk about their existence. Why? Because no one likes to think about what situation a child must have been in to then have to be placed in an orphanage. But it is important that we do think of these children, to support them and to help create a better future for them. Here are some statistics on orphanages that may or may not surprise you: It is estimated that there are 143 to 210 million orphans worldwide. Yes, millions. Every day, 5,760 more children become orphans. About 250,000 orphans are adopted every year, But about 14.5 million grow up and age out of the system. Ever 2.2 seconds another child ages out with no family or home to go to. This is why we have to acknowledge the existence of orphanages and why we have to do our best to support them. There are so many kids in the system waiting to be part of a family. Wanting to have a decent education. Hoping that they will have a future. The more you know, the more you can do to help. And that’s the kind of action […]