A Full Education is Something Every Child Should Get

The life of an orphan is tough enough as it is. When a child loses their parents, be it through death or other reasons, they lose the ability to access such necessary things in life like an education. But it’s important that every child, no matter their upbringing, has a full education that can better them and set them forward to succeed in life.
A full education means just that; learning from elementary to high school level in all sorts of courses from academic to vocational. A child who exercises their brain and learns new things can overcome even the hardest parts of their lives. They can have hope that with their education, they can set out into the world and make something of themselves and their lives. They can prove to the world that no matter their family situation, they are just as intelligent and can be as successful as anyone else.
The General Israel Orphan Home for Girls provides these Jewish orphans that chance. With a complete education in addition to regular care and a true home, these girls will be able to do what any little girl should do; dream big about what they want to be when they grow up.
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