Donations Keep This Jewish Orphanage Running

Orphanages are a great thing for those who need them, but they are also expensive to run. And they can’t all be run solely on their own. A Jewish orphanage thrives on donations from generous people, like yourself, who know the importance of such a facility. Maybe you know someone who has lost their parents, maybe you’ve had a similar experience to the girls who stay at the General Israel Orphan House, or maybe you just can understand the hardship they are going through. Whatever it may be, there’s nothing more helpful than making a donation.

The donation process is easy. You can donate through the website in a variety of denominations. Each amount can let you dedicate different things, for example a $2,000 donation lets you dedicate a dining table, or a $30,000 donation will let you dedicate a whole classroom. Of course, smaller donations are welcome and appreciated because they add up very quickly. So don’t think that just because you can’t give a lot, it doesn’t make a difference.

The next time you think of making a donation, keep the General Israel Orphan House in mind.  These Jewish orphans truly need your help and every dollar can really make a difference in their lives.

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