Orphans In Israel And Elsewhere Need Attention

Sad to think but there are orphans all over the planet looking for homes and resources simply to make it through the day. We never think about these things or rarely do because so much of our own lives seem so perfectly in place. We assume that we can rely on some basic things to get us through a day or week or month and we find it incredibly easy to ignore the problems of the larger world.

Decades pass and orphans keep popping up.the larger world.

Luckily the folks who run Jewish orphanages are not so easily distracted from the important issues occurring under our collective feet. Finding orphans in Israel, the United States, and beyond is not hard to do, but finding a solid staff to care for them and try and build some sense of normalcy for them is difficult.

As we all move forward there is some important things that we can only ignore so long. Lucky for you and for I there are people dedicated to addressing some of these issues so we do not have to. In thanks to them we should remain aware of their needs and the needs of the children they care for. We should keep our hearts and minds open to trying to help in any way we can.

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